
Well, it’s been awhile again.  So many things have changed.  I’ve moved on.  Still living with my ex.  Financial reasons – market’s been terrible.  But still, I’ve moved on in so many ways.

I took my webstore down – it had been hastilly conceived, poorly planned and expensive to maintain.  But a lot of good did come out of it, so I’m in the process of building a new, scaled-down model that will grow more organically, as I can handle it.

I’m doing a lot more performing, which I love, and a lot less teaching, which is a little worrisome, because I depend on it for much of my income, but students don’t seem to be as plentiful as in the past.  For years I had a waiting list.  Now people will call and say “How much do you charge?” And if they find someone cheaper, you’re out.  Price shopping for teachers!  So I’m working on finding more and more, new ways of filling in this financial gap.

So that’s where things are at.  Movin’ on.  Older, wiser, and still, very much in the trenches, still “starting over.”  Who would’ve thought it could take so long?

When I was much younger and very into the concept of “love”, “falling in love” and all the good stuff that comes with that, Canada Dry put out an advertising campaign with a catchy jingle “Ginger Ale tastes like love.”  

Also,  being much younger, I was very much into my opinions and getting huffy and indignant about things and I remember how particularly huffy and indignant (and offended?) I got about this particular advertising campaign, vehemently opining to anyone who would listen to me “What do they mean it tastes like love!!!!!  How dare they compare their soda to love!  I like ginger ale, but comparing it to LOVE That cheapens the whole sentiment (etc. etc.)!!!”

Eventually I got over it.


I am insured by Allstate.  I have my car insurance, homeowners insurance and life insurance policies with them.  My ex & I have been with Allstate for over 15 years, paying them almost $500 a month in assorted premiums.

When I first noticed the water leaking into my kitchen, on a Thursday, I called the plumber.  When the plumber came out, and realized there was probably a ton of water in the ceiling, they said they would have to get in there immediately, dry it out and find the source.

Right away I called Allstate Claims.  I told them everything that was going on, what we were doing (ripping out the ceiling shower floor, etc.),  Allstate said they would send an adjuster out the following Tuesday, and added that all the contractors could contact them directly for billing.  

The Claims rep. appeared very concerned, and added  “Will you need to stay in a hotel?”  What a wonderful “good hands” feeling sort of thing!  

The adjuster came out that Tuesday.  By now, the whole upstairs shower had been ripped out, as well as the kitchen ceiling underneath.  He looked over some of the beams and said “it’s obvious that this has been going on for awhile.  Allstate will only cover “sudden and accidental loss” claims for water damage.

I said, well this was sudden for us.  The leak in the kitchen was the first time we became aware of any problem, and dealt with it immediately.”  The adjuster replied while that may be so, it appeared obvious that this has been going on for awhile.

To which I mildly sarcastically retorted “So, as a homeowner, my responsibility is to periodically rip out the ceilings to make sure there’s no water collecting anywhere?” 

He laughed and said something like “pretty much.”

The report from Allstate came back they were denying the claim because 1) there were signs of long term leakage from underneath shower pan and 2) because we had been advised not to do  demolition prior to inspection”.  This part was a lie.  Allstate knew full well everything that was going on.

The lie part of the report got me so angry that I consulted an attorney, who told me there was no case because the policy did state the damage had to be “sudden and accidental” and Allstate was able to make a case that it wasn’t.  

I called my agent to express my unhappiness at all that had transpired, that they weren’t covering any of this.  He said, well, you actually have our premium homeowners’ policy.  

What can you say.  Yippee.  I have the super duper deluxe policy.  Good for me.


A parade of amicable repairmen have been trouncing through my house this past month, from demolition guys to plumbers to tilers to ceiling-drying people to shower rebuilders, everyone assuming my insurance company would be covering their bill.  

When I’ve said no and they ask whom I’m with & I tell them Allstate, more than one has made the same funny joke: “You’re in good hands with Allstate, until you make a claim.”  Many have recommended other companies who would’ve covered this, and I will be doing some shopping soon.

It’s funny, one of my students, a little girl, was over the house the other day and I was updating her mother on all the action here and the little girl looked at me wide-eyed and surprised and said “Allstate!  But I’ve always heard ‘You’re in good hands with Allstate!”

The older you get, the more cynical you become to the hype and glitter of advertising slogans.  All the crappy promises out there, really.    show me da money.   


It’s a new year coming up.  Everything, all new.  New president.

A lot of my friends were serious Obama supporters.  Mostly for reasons like “He’s going to bring much needed change to our country.  He offers hope.”

A comedy show I tuned into a few weeks before the election was doing a thing on Obama as the “Chope” candidate.  (Change and Hope = “Chope”).  They kept chanting   “chope”.  It was actually pretty funny.

Things aren’t that funny right now for a lot of people.  There’s an air of depression in the air, what with the economy and all, so many people are scared, hoping for things to get better, afraid they won’t.

I’m hoping that the “chope” candidate will be able to come through on all his good promises and slogans.  A lot of people are.


I’m booking my first out-of-state tour.  In March I’m going to go up the coast of California, and then back down again.  That’s my plan.  I have 2 good dates in Southern California, 2 weeks apart, and I’m now preparing to fill the rest in.

I went to a music conference last week and met a lot of great people who gave me suggestions of places to look into and I’m following up on them all.  I’m loving my new contact management program, “Indie Band Manager”.  What a great investment! (I’m patting myself on the back here)

There’s an old musician joke that goes something like “What will the musician do if he wins the lottery”?  Answer:  “Keep working till he runs out of money.”  Implying that being a musician is a money pit, and many musicians work for less than free.  It’s 100% true when you’re first starting out.  

(btw, I heard a great musician’s joke last week that I’ve been sharing with everybody:  What do you call a girl on the arm of a banjo player?  A tattoo.)

Anyway, If I just went in & out of CA for those good gigs that are 2 weeks apart, I’d clear a slight profit.  But I’m feeling, if this is what I believe I want to do,  I need to put myself out there, start building an audience, letting people know who I am and what I do. The title of my last CD was “Visible.”  Well, it’s time. 

Today I booked a “songwriter showcase” gig there (i.e. – good exposure/no-pay) and may end up booking a few more.  

I figure I can live on about $100/day.  If I can stay with friends or fellow musicians anywhere along the way, sell some CDs & t-shirts, get at least a few more ok paying gigs during those two weeks, I won’t go too far down the hole and will hopefully a) set the stage for stronger follow-up tours and b) get a clearer idea if this is something I want to do, or not. 

You gotta try.  And I keep reminding myself, if not now, then when?

As you can see, I haven’t been blogging lately.  I’ve been busy moving ahead and buying stuff.  I bought a new MAC laptop computer last week.  I’ve been a PC person all my life, but I heard that the MACs were very streamlined, easy to use and don’t accumulate a lot of crap, so I thought that would be perfect for my new streamlined life.  I still have a lot of file transferring to do, but so far I really it.  Simple. 

The Address book feature that comes with it isn’t as sophisticated as the Outlook Express that came with my PC, so I realized I was going to have to buy new contact management software.  I just purchased “Indie Band Manager” – a contact management/musician-on-the-road/booking management software – all-in-one, and I’m learning how to use that.

Then I changed my hair again last week.  Wasn’t 100% convinced, but I’ve been getting unsolicited rave reviews, so guess it’s working out.  

It’s not like I’m rich.  I’m not at all.  I just want a new life and know what tools I need to have in place to move on.   

So, now I’ve got my new lo-mileage car, my new IPhone with internet access and GPS, my new laptop and my new hair & a bunch of great new clothes.  I also shut down by internet business “The Starting Over Store.”  It was taking up too much of my time and energy and I’ve decided I’d rather sing.

 I’m almost ready to leave.

More divorce sorting out.

We each got our own cell phone plans, so we’re not longer on the “family plan”, and I got a new I-Phone. LOVE it!

Then we went to the Corporation Commission and formed an LLC to deal with the business that we still do together.

It’s been muggy here and I’ve been sleepy all day. I just got in from teaching and was glad to see that a new Netflix had arrived. I had never heard of it (Cloverfield?), but started reading the description on the back, and it sounded good, till the part about the giant monster launching an attack on New York City and people scrambling in the streets to stay alive. Ok.

It’ll be good to have my own Netflix subscription one day too.

Yesterday I learned a new word yesterday from my friend, EL’s new blog .

“Mushin (pronounced moo-shin), or ‘no mind.’ It is a term that describes ”a state of pure consciousness unburdened by thought.”

EL learned the word in karate camp and talks about it in an interesting post.


My mind’s been spinning so much lately with all my “todo lists” and “need to get done now” lists, I keep trying to go into “mushin” but I haven’t been able to turn the brain off lately.

Yesterday I was in one of my “enough is enough” modes and I think I actually made some organizational progress, that I’ll share with you.

My new method is a personalized system derived from one of my favorite books, “Getting Things Done”, and just looking at it has given me some sense of peace, so I’ll share it with you.

I have about nine projects in the forefront of my consciousness, and the disorganized stickee notes are beginning to pile up again, everywhere.

What I did was, I sorted everything according by those 9 projects, into their own distinct, little pile on the futon in my office, with a todo list on top of each one, and a “NEXT” item in red at the top of each of those todo lists. So as I get to each one, I’ll just cross off the “next”, and move on to the “next”, as I get to it, in my own sweet little time.

And then, as phone calls and brilliant ideas filter in here throughout the day, I’ll just place them in their own sweet little pile and jot a note on the cover sheet that it’s there, note it’s priority, and I’ll get to it when I get to it. Ahhhh!


My students have been returning from their summer vacations. Yesterday, an outgoing, popular teenager returned to me after a 30 day canoeing trip in the wilds of Canada. She said it was very strange – being 30 days out of touch with everyone, never getting that close to the people she was with – being so alone, so far out in the wilderness. It was a very different experience for her, and I could see she was somewhat changed from it. Quieter, deeper, more mature.

I said, well, would you do it again? Then she got all excited and said there’s a 45-day trip she wants to take next summer.

Then she turned to me and said: “So what did you do this summer?! Where did you go?!”

And all I wanted to do was tell her of some marvelous trip I went on. Some adventure somewhere.

But I didn’t go anywhere this summer. I had the music camps I was doing, along with my regular teaching schedule. And then I had my show which kept me busy through the end of July.

All my students are now coming back from all these exotic places. EL just got back from Israel, Hawaii and Chicago. Even my ex spent 2 weeks on a tour through Canada.

I haven’t gone anywhere in about 6 months. I’ve been sitting here in my head, spinning, planning, fretting, plotting, etc. etc. etc. And I could use some serious mushin time.


EJ has a house in the mountains and has invited me to come up next weekend. I can’t wait. I;m just gonna sit there and not do anything. Just wanna hike a little, breathe the clean air, and just Be.

My little web store has been limping along. It’s had a few sales, but I’m not ready to retire on it yet unless it’s in one of those third world countries you hear about where people make $1 a year.

I called a search engine optimization place today that Yahoo had recommended, prepared to bite the bullet and pay for some internet marketing. The salesperson took a look at my my site and didn’t think it was something their company could help me with, and then he said “Wait, let me try something”, and then he was like “Holy Cow – how’d you get such a high search engine rank! I can’t even get a rank like that!”

Then he asked me if I’d been doing link work, because all these links were pointing to my store, which was obviously helping my search engine ranking.

Then he discovered that most of the links were coming from my blog!. He said “Don’t ever shut down your blog!”

Then I felt really guilty, I said, “well I haven’t been blogging for awhile.”

He repeated: “don’t ever shut down your blog.”

So, it’s back to my blog. It’s ok. I’ve been missing it anyway and looking forward to getting back.

I’m not so sure about my store though. He gave me some suggestions to try (better descriptions & keywords), which I will. But if things don’t pick up by the end of this year, I might just shut it down.

I haven’t blogged in awhile.  Too many changes.  Too numerous to mention.  Mostly internal, but then – you know how it works – they become external too.

I’m not angry anymore.  I’m not freaked out anymore.  I’m just moving on.

I’ve set some goals to increase my teaching practice (the lowest hanging financial fruit!) and reached the first rung of my 6-step goal ladder a month early – which feels great.  I’m celebrating with my mentor at Starbucks this afternoon.

I’ve  met a few guys I really like and am seeing casually, but I’ve promised myself to wait at least 6 months to a year before calling anything a “date”.  I see more and more clearly how I am in relationships, and want to break some old patterns before I fall back into one again.

My online store is looking better and better.  2 weeks ago I had my first sale from my website to someone I didn’t know.  The sale translates into about $8 profit.  I was ecstatic all day.  The little things, huh?

I was just nominated for a regional music award, which I’m very excited about.

So, life goes on.  I may blog again tomorrow, or maybe not for a few months again.  I don’t know.   Just feeling all these changes everyday and moving on.

It’s been a tumultuous and emotional few weeks. We just got all the papers in and will probably be divorced by May 1.

We haven’t sold our house, even though we had dropped the price to the best value for the money, location, etc.


In 1997, when I was running my own record label, cassettes were selling for $9.95, and we released a children’s cassette for $7.95, thinking of it as a brilliant marketing move; people would be attracted to ours because it was $2.00 cheaper.

I don’t think we sold any more than we would’ve sold at $9.95, but every time someone bought one, we made $2.00 less.


So I called my realtor today and said “Hey nobody’s even walking through our house anyway so let’s put it back up to $9.95 so that when they do come through, we’ll get that extra $2.00.”

He thought that was a pretty good idea, but proposed an even better one.


So we’re taking the house off the market for awhile. My future ex and I have been getting along fine. We eat the same foods and like a lot of the same movies, which actually has been a pretty good reason to stay married longer than we should’ve. But it’s ok. Most of the drama has now passed.

We’ll be good roommates for awhile.

Haven’t written in awhile. I’ve been so unfocused. Just so many things. And on top of that, sick with this schmutzy thing for about a month now. Here’s an update.

1. Re: divorce – We sent all the paperwork to the mediator yesterday. I’m sure there will be a few more details, but we should be divorced in a pretty short time.

2. Re: music – Had a big concert last Sunday. it went fantastic.

3. Re: house – haven’t sold it yet, but are getting fairly steady lookers.

3. Re: Web design – I took another internet class this morning at the SBA and am now considering 2 major changes to my web world:

1) I’m considering moving this blog directly onto my site. Not sure how exactly all that works, pros/cons, etc., but I’m looking into it. btw, if any of you reading this have ever moved a blog and have anything to say about that, I’d appreciate the feedback.

2) Awhile back I had started a secondary site, as a resource portal and connection to my main store site,, but everything has expanded without a solid plan and has become confusing and redundant.

In web class this morning, there were about 30-40 people. My site was one of the few chosen to put up on the big screen for the whole class to review, I believe as a good example of what not to do – spreading resources unnecessarily over 2 almost identical sites, creating fuzziness and confusion. Then when the instructor went to the blog tab from my store, I added “That’s not my “real” blog. My real blog is offsite! (this one).

Sometimes we see ourselves best when we look back at ourselves through the eyes of others. and a.d.d. can appear as pretty darn silly.

So if you missed class this morning and would like a good chuckle of what not to do, check out my two sites. But better do it soon, because my goal this week is to re-focus. Streamline and consolidate.

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