Well, it’s been awhile again.  So many things have changed.  I’ve moved on.  Still living with my ex.  Financial reasons – market’s been terrible.  But still, I’ve moved on in so many ways.

I took my webstore down – it had been hastilly conceived, poorly planned and expensive to maintain.  But a lot of good did come out of it, so I’m in the process of building a new, scaled-down model that will grow more organically, as I can handle it.

I’m doing a lot more performing, which I love, and a lot less teaching, which is a little worrisome, because I depend on it for much of my income, but students don’t seem to be as plentiful as in the past.  For years I had a waiting list.  Now people will call and say “How much do you charge?” And if they find someone cheaper, you’re out.  Price shopping for teachers!  So I’m working on finding more and more, new ways of filling in this financial gap.

So that’s where things are at.  Movin’ on.  Older, wiser, and still, very much in the trenches, still “starting over.”  Who would’ve thought it could take so long?