I haven’t blogged in a really long time.  I’ve been busy writing a book.  A lot of the things I’ve written about in this blog will go into this book, but that’s not the half of it.  There’s a lot I haven’t talked about, that I’m ready to talk about now, so, that’s why I’m releasing this book.  Meantime though, there’s a lot of stuff I have to get together, like, should I begin sharing the actual book on my blog?  Should I post some of my songs to the blog?  I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet.  So, the purpose of this post is to air out some of my indecision, welcome any feedback, as well as to begin to figure out some of the mechanics of this all, and just get back out into the blogosphere, in general.  The last couple of posts I’ve put up, there was probably a year or more in between a few of them.  That will either happen with this one, too, or you’ll hear from me again soon, and a lot.  Still figuring it out.  Wish me luck