Haven’t written in awhile. I’ve been so unfocused. Just so many things. And on top of that, sick with this schmutzy thing for about a month now. Here’s an update.

1. Re: divorce – We sent all the paperwork to the mediator yesterday. I’m sure there will be a few more details, but we should be divorced in a pretty short time.

2. Re: music – Had a big concert last Sunday. it went fantastic.

3. Re: house – haven’t sold it yet, but are getting fairly steady lookers.

3. Re: Web design – I took another internet class this morning at the SBA and am now considering 2 major changes to my web world:

1) I’m considering moving this blog directly onto my site. Not sure how exactly all that works, pros/cons, etc., but I’m looking into it. btw, if any of you reading this have ever moved a blog and have anything to say about that, I’d appreciate the feedback.

2) Awhile back I had started a secondary site, www.thestartingovercafe.com as a resource portal and connection to my main store site, www.thestartingoverstore.com, but everything has expanded without a solid plan and has become confusing and redundant.

In web class this morning, there were about 30-40 people. My site was one of the few chosen to put up on the big screen for the whole class to review, I believe as a good example of what not to do – spreading resources unnecessarily over 2 almost identical sites, creating fuzziness and confusion. Then when the instructor went to the blog tab from my store, I added “That’s not my “real” blog. My real blog is offsite! (this one).

Sometimes we see ourselves best when we look back at ourselves through the eyes of others. and a.d.d. can appear as pretty darn silly.

So if you missed class this morning and would like a good chuckle of what not to do, check out my two sites. But better do it soon, because my goal this week is to re-focus. Streamline and consolidate.

ADD people could use a few anchors.  It’s just too easy to get distracted.  Especially when the subject matter and tasks at hand tend to be on the drier side.


Like starting a business.  Paperwork.  Details.


I’m getting ready to open a web store, and have gone to a number of meetings and counseling sessions at the SBA (Small Business Association) and SCORE (Service Corp of Retired Executives) these past few weeks.  Among many other things, one of the lines I would like to carry in my store is a jewelry line.  I don’t know anything about jewelry, except, I like it.


I had already found a couple of wholesalers I was interested in and had begun processing the necessary paperwork.  Then I started getting big jewelry ideas.  I knew the pieces I wanted.  I knew how they were going to be made.  I decided I was going to design my own jewelry line.


At my SBA appointment that week, I told the adviser my background was that I was a musician, but my business was that I was going to open a web store and I had just decided I was going to design my own jewelry line; however, I didn’t know anything about jewelry.


Apparently, all kinds of people walk through those doors at the SBA. In a seminar last week, one of the counselors told us about a woman who came in, wanting to open a restaurant and didn’t know anything about food.  Or business.  Zero restaurant experience.  She just had this picture of herself as a restaurant owner, and all her friends coming in to dine and drink wine.


The counselor politely suggested perhaps I learn something about jewelry and what goes into it.  He said “You have to start somewhere!” and referred me to a jewelry designer he knew (RN), said it would be good “to just sit down and talk with her.”


I called RN.  She was great, (and very patient), and suggested I also speak with her mentor and teacher, AH.


I called AH. Wow! What an intimidating lady!  She’s a top artist and jewelry designer.  She travels all around the world for her gemstones and pulls together materials in her work that I didn’t even know existed.  She routinely designs pieces that sell for over $20,000.   I would like this woman as my mentor.


As AH spoke and educated me, two thoughts were predominant: 1)  I am an idiot.  2)  WOW IF I COULD GET SOME OF HER JEWELRY UP ON MY WEBSITE HOLY COW!!!!!!!!


AH and RN offered to sit down and talk with me, and we made plans to get together later in the week.




The next day was Tuesday, I went to an all day SCORE seminar on “Writing a Business Plan”.  We worked in small groups, going through what was needed a step at a time, with the main principles being focus and manageability. 


All of a sudden I started seeing my potential jewelry line in relation to the rest of my newly hatching business plan.  Here was this perfect little circle in development, filling out gracefully by starting small, with modest, balanced relationships.  Then here comes my “custom-designed jewelry tangent” – like a huge spike shooting out of the circle and toppling the whole thing over.




I just read a business book where the author said when you’re starting a business, you need to stay focused, and as you get your new “brilliant” ideas, write them down, stick them in a folder and file them away somewhere in a “later” folder.




Yesterday I met with AH and RN.  It went very well.


Quelle surprise to all – I am not going to be carrying a custom designed line of solid gold one-of-a-kind gemstone pieces this holiday season!   But I actually am going to have my custom jewelry line.  Some things are doable.

Education is powerful and mind-expanding.  I went in knowing nothing but what I wanted.  Now I see very real ways to get it.  All within balance.  Thank you RN & AH.


 Maybe those spikes have to shoot to the moon once in awhile.