My future ex was talking to a woman friend the other day and she was telling him she wishes she could go out at night more – she loves going to clubs and shows, but her husband is such a homebody and likes having her home at night, so she makes sure she’s home every evening to spend it with him.

My future ex asked her – “Well, what do you do, at home with him?  She replied he usually sits on the couch and watches TV and falls asleep within an hour.”

He was surprised by that.  I was surprised he was surprised.  I said “I’ve done that for you for years.  That’s just something women do.”

There are so many little self-sacrificial things that so many women do that men don’t even notice.

No more of that now.


I almost had a mentor.  I’d gone through all the training at Fresh Start to be eligible for one. 

They assigned me to a woman who took almost 2 weeks to call from the time they gave her my information.  They said she was travelling, and then sick.  Ok.

She finally called early last week and left a message saying: “Here’s my cell phone and work phone.  It would be best to call me at home tonight.”

She didn’t leave her home phone number.  I called her on her cell and left a message.  The next day I called her on her work phone and left a message.  3 days after that, I still hadn’t heard back from her.

I just called Fresh Start and cancelled our future relationship.  She sounded nice and in the past I might’ve kept trying and waiting.  But I’m learning some things are not acceptable, and they show their cards early.  It’s better to call it now than 30 years in.