It’s funny the little thoughts that can run through our heads and distract us from unpleasant realities.

On her first, CD, “Little Earthquakes”, Tori Amos wrote a chilling song about the experience of being raped and the chorus goes something like 

“Me and a gun and a man on my back. 

But I haven’t been to Barbados so I must get out of here”

Then she goes on to sing about the sweet biscuits in Carolina, all the while she’s being raped.


I love cats.  I used to have two cats and they were some of the lights of my life.  The second one died about 4 years go and there were too many changes going on that I knew it was definitely not the time to bring any new animals into the household.

Someday I will have cats again, but of course, now is still not the time.

Anyway, yesterday when I realized my house was about to be torn apart, all I could think of was how much I wanted a cat.  Then I started feeling frustrated because if I brought one home, well, there’d be a hole in the upstairs floor and that would be really dangerous.  Maybe we could somehow rope off that area…. Or just keep the door to that room closed – yeah! that would work.  But then there’d be all that debris everywhere from the demolition crews and it would be impossible to keep the cat out of the kitchen  – unless we locked her up in another room?… but that wouldn’t be so good – a new pet and all… damn! how are we going to work this out!


Some people turn to drugs or alcohol.  Tori goes to Barbados.  Me, I fantasize about sitting on the couch with a cat on my lap.  Pretty wild, huh?